Closed 2 years 2 months ago

First Call for Proposals EUI - Innovative Actions

With an indicative budget of EUR 50 million ERDF, the first Call for Proposals of EUI - Innovative Actions is targeting innovative projects focusing on the New European Bauhaus.

The first EUI-IA Call for Proposals was launched on 10th October 2022 and closed on 19th January 2023 at 14h00 CET. It was dedicated to one topic: EUI Call for Proposals in support to the New European Bauhaus demonstrators

99 applications received from 21 Member States

The first EUI-IA Call for Proposals generated a strong interest from all over the European Union, with 99 applications from 21 EU Member States.

In total 125 Urban Authorities applied for the 1st Innovative Actions Call, out of which small and medium size cities (less than 250,000 inhabitants) account for 76% of cities who applied. All cities with under 50k inhabitants (24%) applied as Associated Urban Authorities being part of proposals led by Main Urban Authorities.


See all trends from the applications received


First EUI-IA Call for Proposals

Each project can receive up to a maximum of EUR 5 million ERDF co-financing and project implementation should take place within a maximum period of 3,5 years.

Consult the Terms of Reference that sets out the requirements and process to follow for the first EUI-IA Call for Proposals. It should be read in conjunction with the EUI-IA Guidance, the Application Form Courtesy Working Document and other documents published on the EUI website.



Applications received



Allocated budget



Topic: New European Bauhaus (NEB)

Topic of the Call


EUI Call for Proposals in support to the New European Bauhaus demonstrators

The first EUI-IA Call for Proposals will fund projects to deliver tangible, real-life examples of New European Bauhaus (NEB) interventions that fully integrate the three NEB core values of sustainability, inclusiveness, and aesthetics to a maximum level of ambition according to the framework proposed in the NEB Compass.

The Call will not be prescriptive with regard to the nature of expected proposals. However, cities are invited to consider the four following themes which have the greatest potential to generate innovative solutions and create a clear demonstration effect to inspire the use of Cohesion policy in urban areas:

  • Construction and renovation in a spirit of circularity and carbon neutrality
  • Preserving and transforming cultural heritage
  • Adapting and transforming buildings for affordable housing solutions
  • Regenerating urban spaces

The Call will test our ability to convert current urban challenges into opportunities, to address them through integrated solutions, translating the European Green deal into innovative interventions that empower citizens to lead the change towards green and inclusive cities, towns and local communities.

Discover more about the topic and read the Terms of Reference (EN).


Launch of the Call
Oct 2022
Applicant Seminars
Oct 2022
End of the Call
Jan 2023
1. Launch of the Call
10 Oct 2022

First EUI - Innovative Actions Call for Proposals

2. Applicant Seminars

Applicant Seminars will take place on:

3. End of the Call
19 Jan 2023

Deadline for the submission of the Application Form: 19th January 2023 at 14h00 CET

Be aware that pass the time for submission, any application that has not been submitted via the Electronic Exchange Platform (EEP) will not be evaluated.

4. Assessment of the applications

The assessment of the applications will take place on the first semester of 2023.

5. Announcement of the results

Indicative date for the announcement of approved projects.

6. Start of the Initiation Phase

Indicative start date of the Initiation Phase for all approved projects

7. End of the Initiation Phase
29 Feb 2024

Indicative end date of the Initiation Phase

8. Start of the project implementation
01 Mar 2024

Indicative start date of the project implementation.

The EUI Permanent Secretariat will assist applicants during the Call for Proposals. This support will be provided via:


EUI-IA Guidance

Explore the EUI-IA Guidance to learn more about the context and rationale behind establishing EUI – Innovative Actions, and get familiar with the frameworks, rules and procedures related to project generation and development, the application and selection, the Initiation Phase and contracting, the transfer component, project implementation, eligibility of expenditure, and project communication and capitalisation. Dedicated FAQ section provides further and complementary information.

Explore the guidance


Applicants Seminars (in person events)

During the Applicant Seminars, participants will have the opportunity to take part in several plenary and break-out sessions dedicated to different aspects of the EUI – Innovative Actions. They will receive information about its goals and rules; thematic coverage and main features of EUI - Innovative Actions; the topic of the 1st Call; as well as technical information related to the projects: application form; intervention logic; finance, eligibility rules, project budget; transfer mechanism; knowledge and communication.

Additionally, upon registration, based on a first-come-first-served principle, and considering the priority given to the urban authorities, interested participants can also register to 30-minute one-to-one sessions with the EUI Permanent Secretariat members and discuss their project proposal. These one-to-one sessions will take place right after the closure of the Applicant Seminar and there will be a limited number of spots available.

Four Applicant Seminars took place on the following dates and locations:

  • 19th October 2022 Brussels, Belgium
  • 8th-9th November 2022 Vienna, Austria
  • 29th-30th November 2022 Sofia, Bulgaria 
  • 6th-7th December 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania 


Online collective Q&A sessions

Three Q&A sessions will take place online. Each session will last 120 minutes and will have a thematic focus. Online seminars will take place on the following dates:

  • 26th October 2022 –  1st Call for Proposals topic: the New European Bauhaus, project’s application form and its intervention logic; 

Check the video recording

  • 16th November 2022 –  financial aspects of the project implementation (eligibility rules, project budget) and project management recommendations;

Check the video recording

  • 14th December 2022 –  new transfer component of the innovative actions projects, communication, capitalisation, and knowledge management in EUI-IA projects

All online sessions are recorded and available on the EUI website.

One-to-one Consultations

The Permanent Secretariat made available a limited number of appointments for online one-to-one consultations on a first come, first serve basis.

Other opportunities for one-to-one consultations are in-person at our Applicant Seminars. You can also contact us with any queries here.


Self-assessment tool

In this section, you will find an easy-to-use “self-assessment tool” reflecting the key requirements to have in mind before submitting a project proposal to EUI - Innovative Actions.

Is your city eligible? Is your project idea relevant? Is your project appropriately addressing urban challenges you are facing? Are you organisationally ready for applying to EUI’s 1st Call for Innovative Actions?

By answering following 15 questions you will have a chance to get helpful tips and be pointed out to the relevant chapters of the EUI-IA Guidance which you should consult in order to mature and improve your project proposal to a successful application.

Try it


EUI Transfer Partners Platform

The EUI Transfer Partners Platform aims at supporting the development of the Transfer Component under EUI-IA projects (see also EUI-IA guidance, Chapter 5: Transfer) and at facilitating the contact between urban authorities that are identifying potential Transfer Partners and urban authorities interested in transferring an innovative action.

Visit the platform


Apply for the Call

The submission of the Application Form is 100% paperless through the use of EUI’s Electronic Exchange Platform (EEP).

Applicants are strongly invited to register and create their Application Form early in the application process. Going through the different sections of the Application Form and reading the information bubbles in each field (available in all EU languages) will help applicants to better structure and design their project proposals.

The deadline for the submission of the Application Form is 19th January 2023 at 14h00 CET.

Apply here!
Access to the EUI-IA’s Electronic Exchange Platform and fill in your application form.